
A Mail from Pastor Shaiju John


Dear Partners in Christ,
Greetings from Bhopal in the very precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Last week we had a wonderful time with Rev. Dr. Timothy Tennent in Good News Bhawan, Bhopal. It was a Conference on ‘Crucial Issues in Mission’ Dr. Timothy shared briefly about the Christian movements happening all over the world. The One Minute Prayer Movement and its result in S. Korea touched my heart. As I was sitting and listening the Lord spoke to my heart to do the same in India, (1 pm One minute Pray for a revival in India) yes, I started to dream the Spirit of the Lord hovering over India, Shaking India with the love of Christ, Coming up great Churches in India having 10 lakhs members which is the double of world’s largest Church in S. Korea.
At the end of the meeting when Rev. Dr. Mathews Varghese invited suggestions and views of delegates I was strongly moved by the Spirit of the Lord to present what the Lord put in my heart. Praise the Lord for all the delegates who were mostly Christian Leaders and Pastors were challenged, become a part of my vision and took a decision to Pray for our India that is EVERY DAY AT I PM ONE MINUTE FOR PRAYER. (The time was decided at 1. 30 pm but we have changed the time as ‘1 pm one minute’ which is convenient for all).
Let us light this Candle share this vision to God’s children and motivate them to be part of 1 pm One Minute Prayer movement in India. Hundreds Thousands and Lakhs of God’s children soon will start Praying 1 pm One Minute for India and the strong holds of the enemies will be broken WE SHALL PRESENT INDIA TO THE HEAVENLY FATHER.
Dear friends, while writing this letter I have shared this vision to more than 25,000 of ‘Prayer Care’ ministry partners in India by means E- Mail, Telephones and our Prayer Care bulletin. Please make sure you don’t miss anyone.
It will happen in our life time and we will see with our own eyes INDIA FOR JESUS.
Your brother in Christ,
Shaiju John.
Prayer Care


Anonymous said...

great we are with you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

praise the lord...GOD BLESS us.,

Anonymous said...

GOd is great...

Anonymous said...

lord jesus is the true king of king and god of god.bow down in front of him and save your soul.